I had no issues with them at all, I don’t know what kind of experience others have had but it was all good from me
Which of the 3 modes do you use?
I have it on the highest hashrate mode, its pretty easy to change back and forth. I will say I had it on the low power mode for a bit and it was pretty quiet.
Smart didn’t think about that thanks! I haven’t found a L3+ for 900 but I will loook again… I’d like to try to have both… do you know where I can find one for 900?
Are you referring to purchase price? If so where are you finding them for this price?
Steven has been posting L3’s for a few weeks now for 800-900. His latest list has some for 900-1100 so a little more than I thought. But still something to think about.
ty. prices are suppliers prices. supplies are going down, and prices are going up of course. i havent even been looking at the prices myself . just posting em lol
Hey Guys,
Actually I bought X5 myself cause I noticed they have in on DX pool and I was looking for something quite efficient in terms of price and also W/Hash.
I bought it form DX Pool and it has arrived without issues it is re-furbished so new power supply + fans and housing seems to be nice and clean.
I had an intention to run it on low power mode since I am in region with quite high electricity cost so I go for efficiency + I have some power limitations at home so 660 W / 600 MH/s sounds good to me.
When I got the unit I noticed it is fairly loud + small fan in the power supply is is crazy loud.
They took smallest possible with highest RPM possible and they put it into power supply not sure why they did it this way but OK . . .
I knew I will not let it run like this so this is what I did.
Power supply - I cut the top of power supply and I put bigger fan blowing from the top instead of amll fan blowing from back to front - this solved my power supply noise issue.
Since I am running miner on low power and there is no way to make fans to spin in resonable speed to decrease the noise I did a mod on miner itself as well.
Miner Mod - I have replaced both stock FANs with Noctua NF-F12 PPC 2000 PWM to see if they can manage + I had as a backup higher RPM variant NF-F12 PPC 3000 PWM
By doing this I have discovered that control board check RPM at the miner start so Miner will not start hashing with replaced FANs.
To over come this issue I used Y splitter to connect to main board and I was feeding Miner FANS from connector without RPM signal + I connected one of original FANs to feed board with RPM signal - this was working OK but it was not solving the noise issue + I had to feed boath connectors with RPM signal since board is checking RPM of both FANs.
I intend to use RPM generator to replace the FAN which is feeding RPM signal but this will take time to procure so my interim solution to lower the noise and eliminate original FAN from signal feeding role is to replace it with high RPM Noctua low noise FAN - I bought Noctua NF-A4x20 PWM for this purpose and it spins 5000 RPM so it is good for the purpose. The FAN ha no use for the moment it is just feeding board - both connectors with RPM signal. I was thinking to use it as FAN for power supply since it has same dimenstions but I am bit worried airflow will not be enough.
In summary:
Both origanl FANs has been replace by Noctua NF-F12 PPC 2000 PWM
Additional FAN for RPM feed purpose added - Noctua NF-A4x20 PWM
Power supply - original snamm noisy FAN removed and replace by much bigger one - I will still change it I was just using what I had at home for this purpose.
Now it is running at around 45 dB @ approx 1m distance hashing around 600-630 MH on low power mode + hashboards are running at around 60-75 degree Celsius.
There might be a risk to run it on higher power rating and I was not trying it but most likely it will require tu upgrae FAN 3000 RPM Noctua but I still think it will not be enough to go in full power mode.
Disclaimer - this is to share my experience please do not copy unless you know what you are doing and you are aware of associated risks (fire injury death ). This will void warranty for sure…
Orignal GS X5 as it has arrived :
My updated solution:
Sorry for ugly over-sized FAN on the side I will replace it with more suitable size just have not had time to do it. Now it is in testing period
Temperature around 60-75 degree Celsius - please note I have it in quote cold room - it is winter here so OI will see how it will behave in summer.
I hope it helps to some of you
Thanks for the update. How much would you say you profit each day and what is your electric rate?
I’ve been considering buying one and putting it at low power since my electric is 0.12 kWh
It should be around 0.04 LTC / day gross from X5 with actual difficulty, I am not converting to USD since I am not exchanging crypto for Fiat but roughly 8 USD with LTC rte @ 200 USD (electricity not paid)
I am mining on litecoinpool where you are paid in LTC only (all merged mining (dogecoin) is converted to LTC) - you can do simulation for your parameters using this link Mining Calculator | litecoinpool.org
Beside X5 I am running 2 mini doge boxes so I am in range of 1000 MH/s total.
Thank you for that detailed information.
you wrote that you used fans that you had lying around.
If you would have to buy new fans to reduce the noise, but to keep best possible performance and idealy to not have to trick around with the fan speed, what would you sugest.
I am expecting my x5 to arrive next week.
Since I have no experiance at all with these typs of fans your sugesstion would be appreciated.
Since the electric costs here are even higher than in Switzerland I will also have to run it on low power mode to be at least somehow profitable.
Actually it is a good question but I am not sure if there is a solution without tricking RPM signal. The problem is noise comes with RPM so if you don’t trick it X5 will be running around 5000 RPM even it is not needed on low power mode with original FAN and noise will be there. With original FANs temperatures were in range of 30 degrees which is really low. With 2000 RPM Noctua FANs I am running around 65-75 degrees C depending on ambient temperature. If I put 3000 RPM fan it goes to 50 range. Unit will not start with FAN with max speed 3000, and it will start with FAN with max speed 5000. I have no FAN with max speed 4000 RPM to find out if it will start without tricking RPM therefore if you will not trick RPM you need FAN with max speed at least 5000 RPM. I can see on the small FAN the one I use to generate RPM that RPM goes down to 4000 range after 15-20 minutes of running so in theory if you replace original FAN (which is 6000 - 7000 RPM) with FAN with max speed of 5000 RPM you can get some noise improvement since after stabilisation will most likely run around 4000 RPM but I was not searching for this so I am not sure if there is something out-there quiet enough at 4000 RPM that it would be worth swapping. What could solve the problem would be custom firmware but I have not found one for this ( exotic ) miner. I know that you can find 3rd party firmware for some Bitmain units where you can specify Power and RPM without need to trick it unfortunately I have not found anything for X5.
Sorry for not helping much, but if you find some alternative let me know. BTW it has to be PWM FAN + There is a need to cut small piece o plastic from connector cause for some reason connector will not fit directly even pinout on FAN and connector are OK.
I don’t know where you bough it but if you get same PSU as I have the noise from PSU is very annoying as well so if you manage to swap main FANs on X5 PSU will be still making unpleasant noise. I bought mine on DX pool.
How long did it take you to get the miner? I also ordered that thing from the same place. Seeing their stock going down pretty quickly. Looking forward for them to send and for me to receive.
They shipped 7 days after order / payment. Everything I bought from them was shipped by Fedex so I got it within next 3-5 days (China - EU) depending if there is weekend in between.
did you try to increase the hashrate as advised in here? IN STOCK - litecoin dogecoin ASIC MINER - GoldShell X5 1GH/s Script AVAILABLE NOW at MiningCrate.Com - YouTube
Actually I was not cause the reason I was buying it was that it has quite good efficiency on low power setting. It is more efficient on low power than GS mini Doge box.
On low power you can get 600 MH/s @ 660 W to get additional 250 MH/s will cost you more than a double of electricity = 1450 W
I also knew that running it on LP mode I can replace Fans to make it more quiet since I don’t have specific facility and I don’t want to argue with neighbours - quite sensitive topic where I live

I was watching provided video but there is no explanation how to run it on 1 GH. Probably it can be achieved by increasing clock frequency, but I was not trying it since I swap both Fans at the beginning and I think I will be not able to cool it with Fans I have currently on it.
Please let me know if you manage to do it once you get yours. I am thinking to rent some space and put more miners in next year and I kind of like this X5 for it’s efficiency and price. I would go for L7 if I have more cash in future but this is kind of cute

Thank you! I received tracking number, but I am also waiting for the electrician to come and place a subpannel in my garage along with l6-30 receptacle. Kinda takes way longer than expected so far.
I think it should fit since it seems to be for 120 mm fan, do you intend to connect hose to extract hot air?
I want to try to put spacer between fan and miner chassis to see it it will further improve noise level since I have seen several articles saying that it not good if fan sits too close to some restrictions. To make a quick test I was thinking to use old Fan with removed central piece and see if it does something.
Never mind, I read your previous post above and got my answers. Thanks for sharing your experience with the X5!