Help! Goldshell HS box issues setting up

Warranty is usually 6 months. Goldshell rep will do everything in their power to make sure you don’t send the miner back to them for service. Just tell them you tried everything and that you are still unable to fix the problem.

Only downside is that you have pay for shipping when you ship your miner to their service location in hong kong.

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yea they finally said i can ship it back, but i have to pay for shipping, and they will take care of shipping the new one… which sucks but i guess thats better than a broken one? idk…

Should I use the Luxor mining pool for my gold shell handshake/siccoin miner?

CoinEx is also an exchange where you can change up your handshake HNS to whatever crypto you want it to be & and then transfer to whatever wallet you want, E.G., crypto. com.

Available on Google Play.


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