Help Us Build the Mining Shed 2.0!

I’m pretty sure you only get a rebate on the batteries if you buy them as a package with solar, which is what I did.

I have a 43 panel system roof mounted, takes up half my roof, generating 70-80 KWH on 20 of 30 days a month. I have near zero bills.the system is 14,061 watts rated. A House need a lot of panels to zero out your bill even more if you are a miner. In summer I pay because of the miners fighting the ac unit.

WOW! We only pull 20 and will have to scale. I have learned to have a certain setting to feedback on the battery during the last part of the peak hour. That’s a whole lot of power. I know for a fact that tax kick back was good. That’s what’s up!

I have no batteries at my house, NJ has Net Metering, not worth it except for back up potential. GPU mining ran my electric bill up. Now post merge GPU mining is all but dead I need to get a few ASICs to burn the excess energy, turning solar power into crypto assets.
Nj also gives solar owners $95 for each 1,000 KWH we produce even if not sent to grid. So the goverment is subsidies my mining operation. Win win in my book. I do send all the state incentives toward the solar loan, estimated ROI of my solar is 6 years, redirecting all these savings toward the loan, adding any cash value of electricity produce against the loan too.

14,061 watts rated, no battery system, grid tied, in NJ with net metering… plus NJ incentives of $95 for every 1,000 Kwh produced by solar. Since I killed my GPU RIG post merge, thinking of getting an asic or two to use up the excess power…

330 watt panels, Enphase micro inverter system. More efficient with micro inverters but more bits that could go wrong, does have 25 year warranty.

This might give you some idea’s for your 400amp container. I built 2 of these cubes in Feb March 2022 for Zettascale Tech.
They are 400amp 3ph 120/240 Delta units this design could be easily adapted to a single phase by just changing the main panel. Temps got up to 100 degrees and the humidity was up to 98% with no overheating in July.


Wow that is real slick! Good job


That is some serious power production :slight_smile: Mine only makes about 600 KwH a month in summer

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I agree, I actually just installed this one for my farm. Dropped the temperature 20+ degrees in my container hot room.

I develop solar powered mining facilities.
I set up the first solar powered miner in the world. People told me I was stupid for doing it.
I just finished setting up another solar powered mining facility and am looking for more mining facilities to partner with. Give me a shout out and let’s get a couple megawatts of solar up and running for you.

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I have a similar shed but I added r30 rockwool fireproof insulation to the inside walls and drywalled the inside. I keep the air inside filtered so that my asics run clean with minimal dust.