Hosting Service to Avoid

Appreciated. That’s the whole point, to be seen. I’ve found a great hosting service now. Happy to answer all questions, give expected hash rates and ptojections, give examples of recent buyers results, offer a tour of facilities and so on.

In UK we will be paying in excess of 0.28kw/h.

Yikes! Hosting it is then

COVID has driven energy prices up even through Brent Crude oil is $90 a barrel and energy companies making huge profits. But lots of minor energy suppliers went bust last year as couldn’t afford to keep the lights on ironically! We’ve been told to expect 50% increase in energy bills.

So hosting seems the only option. Have a Bobcat helium miner on the way and just set up an MX2 Pro on Friday.

I’ve never checked into hosting but if I lived in an area that cost .28kwh for power I would feel like I would be cheating myself out of money not using hosting. I just commented because I get frustrated people trashing people because of the direction they choose to go wether it’s hosting or if they want to start with 100 mini miners because everyone’s situation is different and here looking for ideas and other peoples thoughts. They don’t deserve to get discouraged and possibly run away from mining because of someone being arrogant.

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Says the guy who made a thread to bash on someone.

Maybe the US Gov should outsource everything to the cheapest producer. I’m sure that’s what Satoshi Envisioned, outsourcing your work to poor people so you can profit more.

Hey, do you mind sharing where you found hosting?