I'm new in crypto planing building rx580 rig

depend of share value and my calculate plus amount of shares every 15 min machine able mining 0.13-0.15usd per h or 0.0325-0.0375usd every 15min before wash 0.10usd every 15min. im try push my rig made more shares as possible in 5min

i calculate all erning fallow accepted shares. im try little bit different not like everyone fallow value of coins and hashrate as in my opinion is possible speed up mining rig to accept more faster income shares. as logical dag fail from pool going through hole hardware to gpu solved work and return to pool. in test i was made with same identically 2 rigs. so one rig was manually adjusted second just plug and play . so manually adjusted made in 1h 0.15usd plug and play just 0.08usd as was much lower accepted hashrate. it not only you get earning be you hashrate,pool difficult but also be your hardwsre how fast your hardware can accept incoming work and return complete work. also in test was made with 2 gpu 1 is bios mod second stock mod shares amount was almost same but different erning from 1 share as hash rate on stock 3x lower of moded

damn bro I think it is safe to say you got this figured out lol

liitle bit update. i do alot testing on different pools, claymore,Phoenix.ethminer and some miningos. so on windows 10 6x r580 get claymore 186mhs,on Phoenix 184mhs,ethminer 180mhs on mining os claymore 189mhs,phoenix,phoenix 193mhs,ethminer 190mhs. setting core 855mv,core 1180,memory 1000mv,memory 2180. without undervoltage windows claymore 187mhs,phoenix 184mhs,ethminer 182mhs, mining os claymore 194mhs,phoenix 201mhs,etminer 194mhs

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slightly underclocking per card can get 34,8mhs but in 600shares was 23 rejected shares

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you need to make some videos teaching me how to do all of this!

its very simple you need testing one of your rig or single gpu if you have spare motherboard. mining on pool where is pay per share like nicehash is pay per share or other pool. mining only 1 gpu for 3h as normally fully load status coming after 3h. counting shares very 15min on stock settings like claymore,phoenix. let say in 15min 1 gpu make 5shares so next your goal again 5 shares in 15min but his time gpu going underwoltage core like from 1000mv to 900mv shut shares not change. my minimum is 850mv under 850 gpu crash. so after lowest as possible mv if still gpu made 5shares you can go to next step underclock is you need im not underclock as im get 0.5mhs more so no point,second step is your drivers im testing all possible drivers best it was crimson beta. next step is your hardware as i do test running different ssd and usb for os it change same sharing +1,2shares more, after i do test for os nh,eth,stat as mining os runinx linux so linux have prebuild gpu drivers, best of testing was stat as holding best drivers plus runing ubuntu, second was also looking underclooking setting in os not all os have properly settings. asfter all steting i put results in on and now i get his resul very stable runing hash droping from 193.654 to 193.568 so it runing stabil in 3h:23 min it made 585shares no reject no stales

claymore speed on windaus 10 crimson beta

ubuntu mining os same crimsom pro beta and is underwoltage without underwoltage and little bit underclock 201mhs. still working well no reject or stale shares. from 184.020 move to 193.664 very good results. now need to wait 24h to get full statistic from pool how much exectly will be earning per day as right now on mining os show fallow eth price,sharings and total speed 4.30usd per day but on pool stats show only 1.22usd perday

so form mining os fallow eth price,sharings and hash rate i suppose erning 4.30usd perday but fallow pool stats im erning 3.37 so pool pay 1usd less

i will wait another 3h as will mining minimum payment and swith to ethmine to se what pay his pool and after i swith to nice hash so compare 3 pools will see with one pay more with 193mhs in 24h.

so mining is done.cruxpool 24h mine 3.01usd,ethmine 2.51usd,nicehash 4.37usd. all pools mine eth with 6x rx580 8gb hynix,193.231hms,core voltage 860mv,core 1180,memory 2180 watage from wall 920watts. etch card set 32.274mhs. have to choice get high profiit on nicehash or lower profit and wait maybe found a block and get reward 2eth

Nice numbers. I am finding that most of the time I can mine with Nicehash, then sell the BTC it pays me and buy Eth and actually windup a tiny bit ahead.

Just a thought.

4:37usd is payd in my account eth not btc

here is my proof rx580 8gb hynix can run more not just 30-31mhs per card.