I'm new in crypto planing building rx580 rig

so my rig was tested 1month. runing everything well. today got some upgrade parts. new 1300watt psu for 12gpu. 12gpu aluminium frame,h110 pro btc,cpu,ram and 1 more rx580. h81 pro btc i will use mining not profitable coins or for testing profitable with 1gpu and other stuff move to new frame. 6gpu mining rig from today is shutting down for about 1month.leave runing only h81 with one gpu.reason for shut down need no make place for mining rig as i have in dinning room right now. plus it was talking in other post about free power mining

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how looks gpu after hard mine for 1month

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Do not use minergate, learn how to mine properly so you don’t get scammed. You should start learning using your own hardware before you buy additional hardware. You can mine 0xMonero with an older CPU. Monero is also mineable with a CPU so you should check that out too.


im runing nicehash on claymore. minergate not scamming as im runing monero on 2 macbooks from begining whey listed on minergate gui.also i have mined other coins with one profit was 0. right now some of coins have value. also i have some s9 and s9k mining same on nicehash

I have never heard anything bad about minergate either can you elaborate why you think its a scam?

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because is not popular mining pool. people thing if is not popular is scam. same as cruxpool i never heard about his pool.but pool is profitable and working great

i have some troubles with miner gate not working gui after i installing blockchain driver and mod bios, no more mining on eth just monero or zcash

today almost all day i play with claymore. found some things. change dcri value for etch card now i have 32mhs on etch card.next i watch couple hours how much devfee shares made in 1h it was 10shares in 1h. found way how to disable devfee now all devfee shares going to to mining pool. now im curious if i add more ram and faster ssd it will increase to make faster share?

I just use auto tune for dcri did it really make a big difference for you?

yes is make different as etch time you start claymore auto tune make different dcre value. fallow my test with auto tune etch time shares wash +5-5 plus different time for same gpu to make share again

auto tune in 15min intervals made 31,34,37 shares, with custom same in 15min intervals made 45,38,47 its much different

just pass again 15min 45,38,47 and 45 let see how will be after 1h every 15min intervals. now i go to make my ssd speed test on mining rig as i have 2 more ssd brand new with different read/write speed i will see or it something change with faster ssd as logically it take some time to send dag to gpu and return back. it looks like get 45-47 shares right now every 15min so after so adjustments i made i get 10-11 shares more

I am sure you had those cards apart to clean them, but I would recommend cleaning more often. Did you notice temperature issues before you removed them?

yes it was 55-60c after clean drop down again 45-50c normally miner hold 47-48c 38% fan speed

so in 12h claymore take 33shares for devfee. im runing fake devfee is mean all devfee are transfer to my mining pool. pool stats in 12h going up 5% more fallow stats my profit going up 0.11usd

it is super hard to get reliable stats especially with the current volatility you have to also keep an eye on the price of the crypto you are mining because a rise in profits could be a result of rising price not improved mining performance.

not really hard. i do 15min interval and watching how many shares made 1 gpu change dcri value and watch again 15min and from my test result: before i start it was around 30-35shares from all gpu in 15min after i done my shares now much different 41-59shares plus every 1h devfee 1-5shares. before ring made 78usd per month now on stats 98usd. so dcri value also increase your speed off shares

price is not really important on moment. first need to figure out show mining working.as if you figure out how to increase speed of shares you will mining more coins. more coins more money. most of miners just buy stuff plug and run. i wanna learn how is working mining not just plug and leave for 1month. im try all possible stuff with performance to see how miner reacting or is change something. on moment im learning how is working gpu bios mode i buy today 1 more gpu and try to play with bios mod

hello any one use eth mining os? need some help how to configure overlock settings: core voltage -105,power limit 0,core clock 1180,memory clock 2180,fan 40%

okay so you are going by amount of shares submitted instead of earnings? if so are you factoring in the difficulty of each share because that will give them different values?