Is the CK5 profitable in 2022?

Have any of you CK guys seen or had this issue before? I just added another machine and this is how it looked when I started it up.

I have not, sorry.

I did finally get a block, but it was only 1600. Iā€™ll stick with it for a little longer.

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I also got one!

I did move back to f2 was getting close to being behind. I had like one more day I could go without getting anything. My bills went up so I couldnā€™t risk it. If I had more than one miner I would have stayed but since I donā€™t I had to switch back.

Does anyone know if using a pool like poolin will payout CKB mining in BTC?

Update: still havent recieved my CK5 back, according to goldshell it still havent been repaired. I started this prosess in descember and have had it running in less than a month with half power.
What can I do? I have paid shipping and for maintance
(because the guarantee does not cover it through third suppliers)
Do I as a customer have any rights?