(KDA miners) Hashpool is back up

Just tried Poolflare, about 60% off DxPool but I’m thinking it’s because my “workers” only show 1 for 3 kdboxes. Wondering if there’s a different way to name them.

Willing to try Hashpool, Is naming similar or can I have 3 workers?

I’m on my 3rd day doing this, patience appreciated.

I’m at 4% as well. But I didn’t reset the box when I switched at 10am EST yesterday. I’m not sure if this is a rolling 24 hrs number or from power on…

Also, quick question… Hashpool says settlement happens at 00:00am with a payout at 2. I’m guessing that is 2am UTC? So 9pm EST?

Yes, around 9 pm they should issue payment of any settled amount greater than 2.0 KDA.

Also, whenever you switch pools on your KD box, the stats page will reset automatically. So, the 4% should be just for Hashpool.

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I did notice in the first 5-15 minutes after switching pools the rejection rate was like 15% before it settled down. So not sure if I did a Box reset now if the total average would be lower. i may just try it.

I would recommend putting 1 kd box on each of the three pools. You will get a nice average of all three pools while also keeping Kadena decentralized.

Put 1 KD Box on Poolflare
Put 1 KD Box on DXpool
Put 1 KD box on Hashpool

If everyone equally distributed their machines through available pools, we would not be in the sticky situation that we are in. It would help all the pools perform better while keeping KDA decentralized. Prevent 51% attacks on KDA. 51% Attack Definition (investopedia.com)

Also, I believe your only getting 60% off of Poolflare is because I believe only 1 of your boxes is mining from Poolflare. You must have the other 2 boxes not setup right.


Its been fun! And I’ve learned a tremendous amount about how PPLNS pools work and how Luck is key to the performance of the pool.

I believe deeply that Hashpool is a decent pool that if it could get 10% of the KDA networks Hashrates (which is 7 PH/s), that its luck factor would average out to 100%. Thus being able to compete with Poolflare.

But the problem is how does Hashpool get to 7,000 TH/s (7 PH/s)? It’s hard to persuade miners who paid a lot for their equipment to switch to a pool that pays half of what other pools are paying. This would take a united effort by the Pool, miners, and KDA community.

Here is my data from the past 5 days mining on Hashpool with 1 KD box. (The only KD miner I have)

My daily average profits are highlighted in dull Yellow. This is with Hashpools luck at roughly 60%

You can also see the estimated profit if Hashpools luck was averaging 100%, Highlighted in Blue. This is acheivable if Hashpool can build its hashrate up to 7 PH/s.

So, I end this thread with the conclusion that Hashpool has a lot of potential. But has a huge hurdle to jump to get to that potential.

If every miner distributed just 10% of their miners to Hashpool, it would get Hashpool where it needs to be.

My personal advice to KDA miners is to mine solo with Kadena’s solo mining client. This is the route I’m going to take now. It’s not necessarily the easy route. But I believe anyone can do it if they dive in and is willing to learn.


If you have several KDA miners. Commit just one to Hashpool while dividing the rest equally among Dxpool and Poolflare.

If you only have 1 KDA miner, or are hard pressed to pay them off, Divide them equally among Poolflare and Dxpool.

I believe there are good things to come. I believe CMpool is working on an improve stratum and will be back up and running sometime in the future. And I can only assume the KDA team will have more solutions to this issue as well.

Let’s decentralize KDA!


The Vosk talk/reddit kda army has broken rank and is now running in panic! LOL

Just yesterday Hashpool had over 90 Th/s, and today it as been dropping off fast! everyone is jumping ship before the luck factor took into effect. 59% up to 70% at the rate it was going, a couple more kd5s could have kept the momentum going! We will need to regroup and try it again some time I think. but now we have some data to work with.


No, we were not almost there. 70% luck is the average luck for having 1% of the networks hashrate.

Luck can move around, but through time, if you have 1% hashrate, your luck will average at 70% as the graph shows.

When I was getting 0.74 KDA earlier this month, I remember the luck factor being around 100%, which could happen at certain times, but over the course of the month the variation of luck would average out to 70%.

For Hashpool to average a 100% luck, hashpool requires at least 10% of the network, which is 7 PH/s.

We had 96 TH/s which equals 0.096 PH/s. Not even close to what Hashpool would need, which is 7 PH/s.

I agree though that we should continue. But this will take time…


I see, understood

We are now 80% and my profit for today is not far away from what I would get elsewhere.
Maybe we just got more lucky than expected. I see pool hashrate is fluctuating quite a bit I will keep both miners there for the moment and as SpragClutch said I am also planning to run a node and I should have port forwarding available within this week so I will try over the weekend.

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I saw the cliff dive today too but it’s back up to 62 TH/s now. But I will stay the course - for now. I need to at least hit the 2 KDA payout, lol. I’ll stay on Hashpool till at least tomorrow’s payout.

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there we go! 1 kd box on hash pool lol

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Who here wants to start a facebook group just for kda miners? or what is the best platform to get all the miners into one place to discuss strategies and the best way to make KDA better in the future?

Side question here, has anyone here ever actually won a block reward for mining?

You can mine solo with KDA using Kadenas mining client. And there are KDA miners mining solo right now.

So to answer your question, yes people have.

I plan on trying that. I hope it’s not outside of my abilities to get her up and going

You can find more info here: Run a node - Docs
Initially I was about to run it on mac mini but I need to upgrade one of my PCs so I will just use old components to have dedicated linux machine running a node - if I manage to make it work :slight_smile:


Last night 00:00 UTC was the first full 24 hr window of mining for me on Hashpool. I’m actually impressed with the payment of 1.187 KDA. If that payout would stay there I’d stay on Hashpool as my daily Poolflare payouts had dropped to about 1.36 (0.68 twice a day).


With actual Hashrate of Hashpool there will be fluctuation day by day so we can not expect consistent results on the upper profit level on daily basis. As SpragClutch wrote several times we need around 10% of network hashrate to get more stable and consistent profits around 100% luck factor. On the other hand I am also happy we have been quite lucky and I hope that luck will stay with us and Hashpool moving forward…

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