*UPDATED* on 2 new orders from 2 suppliers

They very per state, Texas was 11.5 Missouri was 9 but I don’t know about the others. I’d like to get into Missouri as it’s not that far of a drive and it would profit more but they are having some minor delays.

Correction, Texas was .12 kWh

Well if anyone is interested. We are setting up our warehouse in Wyoming.
Warehouse is purchased and we have started setting up our bitcoin miners.
Out rate is 0.5kwh due to our amazing connections.
We also have 40 miners hosted at Mining Syndicate but are moving them to our own warehouse in the next few weeks.
Please feel free to reach out, as we are taking on hosting services for people within to host miners in our warehouse.

So is this legit or no? This post was top of my email feed. Followed by the one in the picture. But now it seems vosk deleted his post. Curious which it is. And if this one goes thru to show trust then they proceed to scam many others after. Def be careful folks.

It was definitely a fake the account was made yesterday and as I know @cryptominernv is a halfway decent guy by account from other on here I can’t say since I have never used him in the end don’t trust anyone till u verify yourself

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He was the Scammer. Mods Booted him.

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This just came in!! I had placed my order with @cryptominernv on 3/2/22



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Awesome! Thank you again for your business!


Hey Carl, looks like you will be getting your miner this Wednesday! Congrats! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yes sir!!!


How do I get ahold of you?

You can join our Telegram, or you can send me a DM to discuss more.
Also happy to have our Team DEV give you a call and talk about our mining farm with you.

Our TG is here : Telegram: Contact @infinityminingtokenportal

scam shits never end, we ban,delete,report honestly 100 accounts daily across multiple platforms, its unfuckingreal


Hi it’s Ann from Apexto. thanks for your support and understanding. L7 is ready, But covid-19 is tight in Hong Kong, please be patient, it will be shipped soon.

Hi Ann, that’s great to hear. Feel like I’m so near the finishing line now. Bella has been great to deal with.

Thought I would drop these pictures here to show proof of the legitimatcy of @cryptominernv and @Ann from Apexto. Both of these where ordered last Thursday, so that makes these delivered in less than 1 week!!


cheers! :v:

Happy to hear you got your miner! Now let’s go print that “crypto”! :sunglasses:

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Damn straight Martin!