VoskCoin Garage Sale | New and Used Crypto Hardware and Mining Rigs!

My kids would love these!

All good. Still sitting idly by.

I’m interested In this or any ASIC or the GPU mining rig build, do they all mine Ethereum?

Please reach out with prices and how to purchase :slight_smile:

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Thank you for this.
Is there anything left on sale?

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Hi Drew I will buy the F1-Mini my offer is $90.00 plus shipping to 67070 and i would aslo like to buy that gpu mining rig on the bottom shelf of pic 3 except i dont know what to offer you cause i dont know what is in it. how would you like payment? Thanks scott

Hey Vosk, I’m interested in your 1660 setup! Where would you prefer to be contacted?

Quero comprar algo nemnque seja umas gpu do vosk

Hey Vosk finally joined the forum can u let me know if u have anything that’s 500$ appreciate your time !

Just to be clear guys, I’m not selling EVERYTHING lol I am just trying to sell old gear I’ve covered a ton to fund newer builds like a 3060 TI build etc

Trying to reply to all the PMs now


Futurebit Apollo sitll available?

Interested in that Bitmain Antminer T9+ USED and DIRTY if still available.

I am brand new to mining and very interested in getting started. Do you have a list of any equipment still available?

I’m very interested in the $1,000 GPU rig

Hey guys thanks for the support! been absolutely blown up with this, I’m going to freeze the sale of our gear for a bit and put up a basic web store to make it easier to browse etc

Too much back and forth when I’m trying to keep pace w/ this crazy crypto market :smiley:

Thank you and also sorry!


No man, that’s a good plan. At least then we can all see what available and cost etc.

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@VoskCoin to start Retail business…


COOL! he IS Trustworthy ! THAT is something that is HARD to come by nowadaze for sure!
GOOD LUCK ! Ill be a buyer Congrats! :+1: :grinning:

So can we sell items on here? I’m looking to dump a gpu miner to get into a house soon…

yeah in the #mining:marketplace

Is the Goldshell HS1 miners still available? I’m looking to get one!