VoskCoin x FutureBit Apollo Bitcoin Miner Limited Edition

VoskCoin x FutureBit Apollo Bitcoin Miner Limited Edition


Hey guys!

Please reply to this thread if you’d be interested in buying a VoskCoin x FutureBit Limited Edition Mini BTC miner!

Include how many FutureBit x VoskCoin miners and your rough location

Above is a very rough mockup of what we might be able to do - this design is not approved by FutureBit and it in no way represents a product that is in development. This is just to create some FOMO for you lot! :joy:

For those who are serious:
Please email FutureBit at Hello@FutureBit.io pledging your interest – We will also be sharing this VoskCoinTalk thread directly with the FutureBit creator and owner John Jstefanop. These would be Limited Edition collectors items - proof that you’re a big supporter of VoskCoin and our community! :green_heart:

Please watch Vosk’s new video review of the original Apollo BTC miner to see stats and hashrate etc! This is purely an enthusiast device for people who want to run Bitcoin nodes and don’t mind stacking some Sats while they’re at it.
You can watch the FutureBit Apollo BTC Miner Tutorial Review here

:warning: Disclaimer:
This is a hopeful group buy; this thread is to prove the VoskCoin community’s interest in buying these


Unfortunately, Futurebit is basically not interested, they said we could order from them for 5% off and put our sticker on their miner lol – I am sorry guys, we tried! The past year all miners have been flying off the shelves making most companies uninterested in extra work or reducing their max profits. There will be no VoskCoin x FutureBit Apollo Bitcoin Miner Limited Edition… – Vosk


I’m obviously biased here but I am definitely in for 10 of these LOL VoskCoin mini Bitcoin miner, yeah that’s nothing short of a lifelong fantasy for me lol

VoskCoin logo on the side is really cool and surely easier to do HOWEVER I’d love a green case with a black voskcoin logo embossed on the side… the problem is always manufacturing capabilities and raising cost of production increases unit price over the standard version and do the VoskCoin subscribers really want to pay a small premium for a cooler case… always interested in feedback on that front.

EDIT a note, although @Brynn_B posted this, VoskCoin is officially pursuing this.


I’m definitely in for one, but maybe more depending on the price tag :wink:
Located in Florida and already running a crazy mix of different Bitmains, Goldshell miners and a Helium Bobcat.


Depending on price and profitability I would buy at least 2. I’M in McKinney, TX

Interested in one, pending price.


I’m game for one.
(Upstate, NY)

I’d be interested in one. Eastern US.

I’d be interested in one too! Central US.

Definitely interested in at least 1, southeastern US

I’m based in the uk not sure if applicable. But would be keen on know the unit price and would like to purchase at least 1 and CNN possibly more.

Looking forward to the vid

What kind of prices are we looking at? Needless to say I’m interested!

those arent really worth anything. im all for supporting. but it has to be at least somewhat profitable.

Im in for 2!!

Interested with more information


Interested in one, pending price.

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I’d get one!! I’m in PA
I love these from FutureBit! I got a full package + standard from the preorder in August/September. On eco mode I’m getting around 4TH on slushpool. I’d bump it up to turbo but for some reason any monitor I hook the HDMI port up to it won’t show (other than twice since original set up). Still runs solid (better than my S9s at least). I’ve always wondered why people don’t customize their miners more, like how people paint on shoes, clothes and handbags.


I’m totally in, thank you Vosk

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Definitely interested in one full miner and then hashboards
It would be awesome if it had an simple way to get a lightning node up and running. Or even different coins to mine. Maybe even a Voskcoin model that is more powerful than the original. Either way the fact that it is made in the US is a big Pro.

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I’m interested. Eastern PA

futurebit apollo bitcoin mini btc asic miner video guide tutorial and review is now LIVE on the VoskCoin YouTube channel!

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