Welcome to VoskCoinTalk

Thats how you start! I’m still on 2 gpus, 1 cpu, but growing rapidly. Honestly I’m already addicted :rofl:

Same here.

Hi how are you
If you need free electricity then reply me

Hi how are you
If you need free electricity then reply me

@killtheplanet at least this dude should learn English first

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Hello all - I am looking into building a mining farm. Trying to decipher the plethora of info out there. I see that there are alot of guys suggesting running HiveOS - On their site it looks like they will run on an Antminer S19 - has anyone tried this - I was under the assumption that you couldn’t mine anything except BTC - does going to Hive firmware allow me other options?

Thanks for any help


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an s19 can only run sha256 algorithm. there are a few coins that use that algo bitcoin being the obvious one. dgb is actually slightly more profitable. but at the end of the day it will only mine on the sha256 algo and at most you can aim it at a pool that pays out in a different coin.

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HiveOS is 100% the way to go for asics, and anything else IMO.

Hi, looking forward to going through the content and learning more.

I have just begun my Crypto mining journey…largely thanks to you, VoskCoin, your videos and information.

I will not start mining until May 10th or the week after. Just had a 220 circuit drop put in a shed, converting the shed to keep the equipment cool and plan to focus on ASIC miner. While my focus will be Bitcoin, I have followed your other crypto miners with interest. It’s just hard to justify putting that much initially on a mining something other than Bitcoin when the payback is very unclear.

My drop will allow me to have 12 miners, already have 2 Whatsminer MS60s (184TH/s) (went through the process ordering them from China…was before I watched your channel) and 5 Antiminer S21s (200THs) and one Urlacher (S19K pro (56THs) that will run on a house outlet without the need for 220 to learn more, hope to have it going before the others in my mining farm. Even with the Shed already built ($0 cost), I am still out almost $60K just to get to this point…and without mining a single coin yet. Yea the FOMO is kicking me hard.

I knew I would not be able to mine until after the Bitcoin halving, but figured I can mine and that rate for the next 4 years which should make it more than profitable by the year 2030 when Bitcoin is expected to exceed $1Million per Bitcoin. Just have to afford the electricity until than.

Which is why the alt coin mining is so interesting if it exceeds the dollar value that BItcoin can be mined daily…my ideal scenario would be to have mined enough coin, to purchase enough stock, to cover my electricity costs through 2030. Figure the biggest risk is political, so if I can build up a million dollar stock portfolio while stacking Bitcoin, I could have the best of all the worlds.

I am fortunate enough to own some land where I could put in a gravel road similar to what you did, secure with a wall since I am closer to the city than you are and put in as many mining farms as I can get the electric company to bring in 220 circuits. Figure that I can get at least one more before they start asking questions that would potential cause zoning issues. After that who knows.

Thank you for your channel, thank you for your videos. You are changing lives! Know it.

And thank you for all the information you have freely shared. It’s always good to give back and give a helping hand to others when possible. Many will not take the time to tell you, and as for the haters, they will always hate, so forget them. You don’t strike me as the kind of person that will let someone else impact their success…

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