Would you be interested in a Rak V2 Greenspot VoskCoin edition miner by MNTD?!

yes I would like 2 at least north American miners. I’ve tried to get them on the last two drops without success

North America 1-2 miners

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In for 1-2 North American miners.

at least 2, EU, asap. keep the good work

I would take four. I’m in Texas asap.We need this here there is too much land to cover with cell towers,

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Definitely interested! Do it.

YES! Very interested!

Yes us915 and i would take 2-3

I’m interested in 2

Interested in two for Spain Madrid

Also interested in 1 for Spain

am really interested and will buy if you made EU868 version

I’ve been pushing but have not made any progress currently.


I’d definitely LOVE to get my hands on a Greenspot. U.S. version

I would take one

Definitely interested in 2, US

ill take 2

yes i would

Yes! I would order 3 if possible :slight_smile:
(U.S model)

Struggled with those drops

I would be very interested in getting my hands on some (probably two). (US model)
Missed the last drop. Couldn’t even get from the web page to the cart.