DeFi Degens Dungeon | Buy - Sell - Trade - Stake - Yield - Farm all the DeFi Tokens here! 📊

I definitely would like to see a follow up video vosk. Its looks to me that if you was not in the first hour then it not going to pay out. Was an interesting experiment people should definitely post results and and keep a poll of it for future endeavors

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in the next version we have to build in that you can only withdraw 1% and 99% has to be reinvest :slight_smile: then we can make money


Oh wow, I went from $26,000 to $70. Welp, I feel sorry fr the guys who put in 10 + ETH. We all got rekt, lmfao…


Well that was my first Staking attempt and possibly the last.


Another 18 h to go and all is 0 now …invested 1 eth and all gone …farking greedy…at least they should left us some money .
Thanks Vosk for luring us into a greedy scam


I wouldn’t make it your last, but I would make it your last ultra high-risk investment.


we all know the risk :slight_smile:

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I got rekt guys :sweat_smile: F
Goodbye 1 eth! At least it was free from the UNI drop.
At least someone out there is having a great day because of latecomers like me

I feel sorry for the dude who deposited 24.6 ETH about seven hours ago. That’s gotta sting… Yikez.


Yikes 24.5 ouch

I’ve seen like 4 people about to reply to this thread and then cancel - please guys let me know how much yous got rekt so i can feel a bit better about myself thx - also so we can refer back to this thread next time

I lost 0.95 ETH, but I knew it was probably going to get boned. But not this fast JFC. I was one of the “early investors”

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i lost 0.7 eth

I’ll just buy a new GPU next time and mine the damn shit myself! Haha :sweat_smile:

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Not really man…i am a newbie into this defi and if I knew that I can lose the lot in 48 hours I would not invest

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surely that was painful to watch:D down to 42 bucks gain now, before all the fees:P

Thanks for ignoring my numerous video and written warnings

Don’t blame me, I never moved anyones funds and literally say numerous times – let me be dumb and try all of this out first.


so how many people invested into this pyramid? It went almost to 1milion and if everyone invested 1eth =$350,this about 2800 investors…how many of them actually got the money??
Vosk tell whats your profit??

zero so far buddy

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APY.Center’s most recent Telegram post:

"Hey community - I’m disabling the Telegram channel temporarily to avoid any FUD. I’m working very hard to reach consensus on how to move forward from here and make it as fair as possible for everyone involved.

I’ll publish an announcement soon which will clarify the plan and scope of APY.Center from here."

There may yet be new news? Hmm.

Not your fault Vosk! You and I got rekt the same, but on another project we might all profit so please keep sharing your degen journey with us!
:sweat_smile: this is not the last time we will get rekt I am sure! Hopefully though we can still have more profit than loss over the long term by manging risk and diversifying - just like you said in your most recent video on Staking - not even mentioning this level of extreme risk stuff because its not realistic, more like a lottery ticket.