My First Rig Build AMD RX 5700 XT NVIDIA MIX

i have done custom leds for my cars headlights i will use same method for fans. when i back home i send video how looks lights

how you insert video?

I had to post it on my YouTube channel first then post the link


i have made on my previous 2 cars principle is same to do with fans


found a way better video showing the fans I have

whats the highest difficulty share you have found?

here is mine 40.5 TH on ETC I want to try solo mining on this rig so bad idk what I am waiting for

Nicehash has been very generous lately

this image shows that at one point my payrate spiked all the way up to over $35/day USD for two rigs that should only make $6 per day max unfortunately the average payrate function isn’t working right now but I can tell you it’s probably around $6.50-$7.00 USD per day

I was able to get it to work on another browser

almost a full week on Nicehash it should be around $5.60 USD according to what to mine and my hash power Nicehash has been paying very well lately


I was looking at my Ravencoin rig which has my NVIDIA cards on it a 1050 it and a 970 the 970 uses about twice as much power as the 1050 ti but on Ravencoin it does not get double the hashrate. I have now switched the 970 to BEAM and left the 1050 ti on Ravencoin and this has boosted my earnings by about .25 cents USD per day which is huge because the rig was only making about .50 USD per day to being with.

this is before i made the change

this is after

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look at the hasrate on GPU 2 lol

2,004,862 MH/s hahahaha

That is some top-notch tuning. :slightly_smiling_face:

How the eF? That is pretty insane, even if its a glitch

it was submitting shares too but they were getting marked invalid :frowning:

Lol, nice. I got something similar when it was running some bench marking. NiceHash came back that I would be making 22 BTC a day estimated :wink: I didn’t grab screenshot of it though, unfortunately.

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nicehash was down for 10min :smiley:

@dealerraw There is no Free Money in the World my child… GROW UP!

Don’t fall for any pyramid and crypto scams
And you have money, you have the internet and device to visit voskcointalk


That sucks. I’m finding a lot of crappy suppliers these days. never used to have to worry about stuff like this in the old days, but now I cant even get Best Buy hdd to last more than a week. sorry dude

KAPOW is popping off if you have AMD GPU’s use TeamRedMiner