What did you do today crypto related? πŸš€

Printing that big enough to do any good is going to require a large printer. What is your plan for that? Also I hope your not planning on using PLA. At the minimum I’m hoping you use PETG for the chemical resistance. Also (Again) how hot is the fluid going to be? If the fluid is too hot, it will warp your design.

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Yep so there’s a few things I am brain storming at the moment.
1: Buying a bigger printer using ABS as filament. Ive used PLA on garden hose fittings on a hot day and they warped so I know not to use PLA with hot liquids, and I only have a flash forge guider 2 and a Ender 3 S1 pro so they arent big enough for an S19 as a whole print
2: Printing this in 8 parts on my S1 pro, design it so each part is basically male/female slots, adding a spot on the outside where I can use a nut and bolt to tighten it, and electroplate each piece, once each piece is electroplated I can fill each female slot with silicone and use the nuts/bolts to tighten it and hopefully make it water tight.

I have not electroplated before so I am trying to work out the best option. But as I’m sure you can understand, its good to run a test print with one roll of PLA and test it on water before forking out a decent amount of cash for another 3D printer or the required chemicals to electroplate it

I’m just gonna be honest. Printing an immersion unit in more than one piece is a really bad idea. I think your design looks good, but it should really be fabricated from some kind of metal.

Really nice set up bro all the way around !!

ahh wow that is soo freaking cool

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I think another option will be to just print the plate so I get the good flow pattern and use a fish tank, I think that will be the easiest. Even if I somehow managed to print the tank perfectly it would take so long to do

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Drew Vosk is a tropical creature, so he’s not a happy camper, or should we say farmer, when it’s snowing at the VoskCoin mining farm!

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Bitmain Antminer S21 Bitcoin miners being deployed on the VoskCoin mining farm :full_moon:


Late night or early morning deploying Bitcoin miners at the VoskCoin mining farm? This is the new Bitmain Antminer S21 200 th/s


are yours hitting 200th?

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Hooked back up my bobcat 300 it’s active again

And ordered another KS3M and a E9 Pro 3.68

Looking at doing another order soon in the upcoming weeks and take the rest of @AdamMoyers spots for hosting :grin:


I stuck one of those 60 watt TEG generators between 2 water cooling plates, filled one side with hot water and the other plate with cold running water to see how many watts I could generate and I could generate 1.7 watts lol. Wanted to see if I could generate some power from the excess heat

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VoskCoin has been designing, building, refining, and fumbling through the VC Immersion Shed deployment. Liquid-cooling your Bitcoin and other crypto mining rigs has been a very interesting, difficult, and rewarding endeavor on our mining farm!
Honestly wrangling all of these different immersion systems together and ditching the original air-cooled mining shed plan has been such a debacle lol


Designed a fan cover to put some bends in to deaden the sound to hopefully drop the decibels on stock fans, the bends are hollow to allow air flow and the top hole is 150mm x 100mm which is enough space to allow the bits covered by the bends, so the air flow will be the same as the standard 100mm x 100mm hole. I forgot to add supports so the print is a bit munted but will try again. Will be interesting to see if it reduces the sound or maybe I’ll have to add side walls and add extra bends or even add bends facing the other way. Trial and error I guess :rofl:

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It looks like you got a bit of warping going on there. Do you have a heated bed? If so, you might turn it up, maybe use some elmers glue for your stick down

Just needed supports from the overhang, printed another one which went well, not sure on the actual decibel difference but it kills that high pitch sound, but I shared a video in the voskcoin discord asic mining thread where you can hear the difference

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Except my near daily voskcointalk check, not a damn this. It’s family time today. Back to the grind tomorrow.

Do you have a link please?

Published the Jasminer X16-P Ethereum Classic ASIC miner review on the VoskCoin YouTube channel.


Nice!! I been looking at getting one of them after seeing it at mining disrupt In Miami